LANDSCAPES (formerly GIC) is the official educational conference for the National Association of Landscape Professionals (formerly PLANET)

My First Three Impressions of GIC

Jonas Pattie, Landscape Industry Certified, The Pattie Group, Inc.
Jonas G. Pattie, Landscape Industry Certified, was about 20 years old when he attended his first GIC.  “I was really blown away by how other industry professionals viewed my father, Steve, and our company.  So many flocked to meet him and gather insight into what he had done over the years to build and grow The Pattie Group.”

Now president of the Novelty, Ohio company, Pattie said his first impression was an understandable one for someone who grew up within a family-owned business. “For the first time I realized how special our company was.

“Then, I kept thinking what an incredible event this is, how professional this industry is, and how the people here truly care about what they do and are willing to share their best practices.  My third impression?  Wow, I have a lot to learn.” 

Since that initial eye-opening experience, Pattie has attended 8 or 9 GICs.  He usually travels to Louisville by van with at least half his management staff.  “During the ride, we go through the entire seminar schedule and decide who wants to attend what,” said Pattie. “The goal here is to maximize our time by dividing and conquering. Then, at the end of the day we join for dinner to discuss what we’ve learned that’s new and exciting.

“Attending the seminars, networking, looking at the new products and taking this time together to focus on our business is hard work if you take it seriously; we typically come home exhausted, with lots of new ideas to implement.  We also try to do a couple of fun things in the evening, and maybe even take in a concert on Fourth Street.”

Busy schedule
Two years ago, Pattie and his father presented a virtual tour of their facility for GIC attendees.  He has also recently facilitated two tables at the always popular Breakfast with Champions.

“Attending the networking events like the Breakfast and other receptions is always very valuable,” Pattie emphasized. “The seminars have been good, too.  One last year on the Affordable Care Act was very timely, and I’m always interested in the latest marketing innovations.  Most of us came into this industry because of a love for the outdoors, plants, and design.  Great business practices and strategy is what many most need in the industry, so hearing industry experts who speak on a wide variety of business-building topics is invaluable.”

Jim Paluch’s Come Alive Outside seminar also caught his eye last year. “Jim framed what we do as professionals in a different way, and I think it speaks to one of our industry’s biggest challenges,” Pattie added.  “There’s always been a misconception that all we do as an industry is mow lawn.  Yes, some of us mow lawn, but we also do so many other things. Jim challenged us to stop introducing ourselves as landscapers, and view ourselves as outdoor living professionals. He challenged us to be proud of what we do and articulate the importance of our work.”

Pattie mentioned that GIC and PLANET have an ongoing challenge to educate the general public about the industry, an effort that extends to school children who currently may not view landscaping as a profession.

“There’s no question our company’s biggest challenge is finding people,” Pattie emphasized.  “We need people at all levels who want to make a career within the industry”.

Not coincidentally, he said that PLANET also welcomes input from new members. “There’s an opportunity for young, second generation PLANET members like myself to step forward and volunteer for committees and at special events like GIC.”  As he pointed out new perspectives are welcomed and necessary whether you’re a young student learning about a changing and dynamic industry or an industry member learning about a changing world.  

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